Networking technology is most probably the fastest-changing technology that humans have ever found. Gone are those days when a user has to wait for 5 min just to load a webpage with 2G internet.

The introduction of 4G has completely changed the speed at which the data was transferred. Cloud computing, video calling, online streaming, etc., are some facilities of the internet that are only possible due to a 4G network. 

As already mentioned, as networking is the fastest-changing technology, we are all set to launch our new generation of mobile networks, i.e. 5G. 5G is standardized by 3GPP and is only possible due to the contribution of various tech giants. 

5g Network Planning and Optimization A Overview

Let’s dive into the 5G planning and optimization along with the difference that it would create. 

5G Network planning and optimization

5G, being the latest generation of mobile networks, would be able o support the new air interface, also known as New Radio(NR). Also, it would be the fastest mobile network to ever exist that can offer higher data rates and increase capacity. This all can be done through the new high-frequency band, mmWave.

Moreover, 5G will not only be available as a mobile network but would also function in broadbands. It can provide a very high speed of internet and a premium experience of VR and AR  with the least latency and cost per bit. Thus, top-notch performance at a budget price. 

Additionally, the network would also be able to carry out critical tasks and communication such as driving vehicles, doing medical treatments and operations, controlling infrastructure, and much more.

Hence the network would be more reliable and trustworthy and will perform uniformly under all circumstances. With the wide connection of embedded sensors, the network can also dip the data rates and power consumed while offering lean and low-cost solutions. 

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How is 5G different from the other network? 

3G and 4G, both of them were providing internet facilities and a sufficient speed to carry out day-to-day tasks and other key operations. 5G will also offer the same facilities with a higher speed. But what is the key discrete between them? How will 5G be more efficient?

Apart from the data transferring speed, the network comes with air interface capable technology and extended capacity that will open the door for more and more innovation by humans. These services will ultimately add to the user experience and deployment needs and can deliver new services of telecom essentials

Also,  the super reliability and almost negligible latency of the network cannot be ignored. The prime contributors of 5G also claim that it will positively impact every sector of life like transportation, healthcare,  agriculture, Logistics, and almost every sector that humans can think of.  

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With better use of spectrum, higher speed, and increased capacity, 5G can surely revolutionize the use of the internet. According to many economists, 5G will also create many job opportunities for talented and skilled labor while it can also destroy many jobs as it will boost automation.

In a nutshell, new technologies are good to be introduced and used for the betterment of humanity, but their consequences and drawbacks should also be kept into consideration. 

By Rob

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