8 Secrets for Preventing Your Website from Getting Hacked

8 Secrets for Preventing Your Website from Getting Hacked

Know the Threats

Hackers are always evolving the types of threats they send your way. As someone who is security conscious, make it your business to learn about the most common threats and what their implications are.

8 Secrets for Preventing Your Website from Getting Hacked

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Applications and JAVA based software is often seen as more at risk, which is why you should choose a hosting company that takes security seriously. So educate yourself on the most common hacking threats out there, and choose a hosting provider that specializes in Java hosting with added security.  

Maintain Your Website Pages

Error pages on a website leave your website more vulnerable to attacks. By keeping all your pages up to date, and removing error pages, you add more security to your website.

Did you know that error pages alert hackers to your site? They act as beacons when hackers are scouring the web for vulnerable domains. So keep your website clean, and you’ll be relatively hidden from most hackers.

Keep Your Plugins and Other Software Updated

No doubt you’ve already installed some form of website security plugin for your website. Make sure this plugin is constantly updated. Remember that security software updates itself because malware does the same. So in order to always be prepared for a threat, updates must be run as soon as they prompt you to.

Also, pay close attention to all your other plugins. Keep them all updated so that hackers don’t come across any ‘holes’ they can expose.

Use Strong Passwords

Creating a good password is something many people neglect. Your passwords can also be hacked, but this is usually because of how simple they are.

When you add numbers, symbols and upper-or lowercase letters in your password, you make it extremely difficult for password hacks to discover your full password. Some viruses target your password directly and use an every-combination-possible algorithm to work yours out. If you mix it up thoroughly, it’s a lot harder and takes way more time.

Get Domain Security

An “https://” domain indicates that a website is safe. Your users see this, and so does Google. Adding domain security raises your SEO and keeps your website—and the users who interact with it—safe from hackers.

Perform Regular Security Scans

There are several great anti-virus scans out there, as well as plugins that can perform security scans on your website. Perform these scans regularly, and you’ll ward off hackers—who mostly only target weak sites.

You can download security scan software, or buy ones that are more effective. You can also check with your website host provider whether they offer security scanning as part of your package.

Implement a Web Application Firewall

Firewalls essentially sit at the door of your processor and monitor each byte of data that enters. A good firewall will not hesitate to warn you when suspicious data is discovered. It will pause the process, alert you to the risk, and wait for you to take appropriate action.

Install a firewall to protect your applications from being hacked, and make sure your hosting provider has done the same for your website.

Hide Your Internal Pages

Use a robots.txt file to hide private pages within your website. These admin pages are for internal use only and contain sensitive information not fit for public eyes. These should not be exposed to the web!

By using this file on selected web pages, you essentially hide them from Google crawl bots, which keeps them well hidden from anyone else too.


Following these steps will put your website at less risk of being hacked. So clue yourself up on cybersecurity and maintain a safe web environment for your staff and your users.

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By Rob

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