Grammar checker software can come as standalone software. Its functionalities were simple and were just used for checking punctuations and inconsistencies. More sophisticated tools came in the place where add on for words were added. They can check and correct context grammar. These products help to automate any text editing task. Some concerns are a failure to detect errors, misconstruing accurate texts as errors. It is great to have a grammar checker software and it is equivalent to hiring a resident editor.


There are many grammar checker software and can replace ginger. Ginger software can easily identify text errors and makes suggestions. It helps you to rephrase sentences. It has a built-in dictionary allows you to check words and accuracy and meanings. Ginger software can identify document errors and helps users communicate in over 40 languages. It saves time and you don’t have to spend on editing. It analyses document errors. Here is the list of various alternatives.

1). Grammarly

It comes in a free or paid personal application. Grammarly can check and helps you make corrections for texts. It corrects punctuation inaccuracies, focuses on details like repetitive words and spelling mistakes. Grammarly helps improve user vocabulary. It helps boosts writing style.

It improves document readability. Errors related to the verb to adjective rules can be detected by recommendations of proper word placement. Grammar excels in functionality. It can edit text for context making one of the advanced solutions to use. Use Grammarly discount for getting it at the best price.

2). Language Tool

It is open source online grammar checking software and it can be used by both individuals and businessmen. Language Tool can scan text inaccuracies in more than 20 languages. It is easily used and also used on different browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Google documents, etc. The application also has keyboard shortcut making editing faster, allowing users to proofread documents.

There is a free version available but later it does not cost much around $19 per month. It provides people with their personal dictionary. It suggests document corrections and also distinguishes between American and British English.

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3). ProWriting Aid

Exceptional writing depends on much more than correct grammar. This application gives just that. It highlights styles, issues and compares your writing to the best writers in the genre. ProWriting Aid gives you a way to express your ideas.

It edits faster, eliminates errors, fixes style issues and there are tools like word explorer which help you find words and even a thesaurus is available. This application lets the users learn from their old habits and help them correct it along the way.

4). WhiteSmoke

WhiteSmoke lets you check your grammar, writing style for free. It helps for translation and helps to check spellings. It gives an online dictionary and also acts as a writing assistant for dyslexia.

5). Typely

This provides free proofreading. Typely is precise. Typely helps you get into the mood and lets you write the story. It keeps you focused, immersed and ready for your story. It gives a complete writing environment. Typely gives a chance to check humanity collectively and can understand the craft of writing.

More than a thousand checks can be performed. It is a sensitive, unobtrusive and reliable tool for any writer be a teacher, a blogger or a student. This is a core, linter for text and like spell check can analyze the entire document. It is visually appealing and easy to use.

6). 1Checker

This can help you enhance text readability. It helps you check spelling and grammar. You do not have to pay for anything. It provides a trustworthy service. This is a private and secure site. It helps you make a professional impression with exact and natural writing. 1Checker gives all the daily requirements needed.

It provides with spellcheck, grammar check, style review, vocabulary enrichment, and dictionary translation. This is powered by artificial Intelligence which helps you better English. It examines texts very well and enrichment suggestions to polish your writings.

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Final Words

Thus there are various alternatives which work very well and help you check your work. It forms proper sentences and checks spellings. Comparing to Ginger software, Grammarly premium free software is cheap and best. Grammarly is a winner relating in features, functionality, value for money and customer support.

Ginger Software customer support suffers, offering only phone and email support. Grammarly is at the top of the heap and is great in terms of many things. All the other software also have their share of advantage but this seems to be the best alternative.

By Rob

2 thoughts on “Ginger Software Alternatives”
  1. A list of internet tools without any links to such “tools” with the sole purpose of promoting an affiliate link. A useless article written for monetization instead of a normal audience.

    1. Ian, thanks for commenting and letting us know. Maybe our editor might have missed adding the links. Now links added. Your comment really helped us in making one of our articles better.

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