How to Choose a Hot Tub Cover?

hot tub

A hot tub cover is a costly investment but one that is worthwhile in the end. The benefits that it offers outweigh the few bucks that you part with while acquiring it. For a start, it’s one of those accessories that you acquire once and for all. As a matter of fact, the cover can last for decades without requiring a replacement.

The other advantage is that it helps to ensure that the water that is inside the hot tub is not contaminated by bird droppings, feathers, leaves, dust, and other debris. In addition to that, the cover helps in retaining the warmth of the water.

hot tub

This in return guarantees that you will not have to heat the water for a long time the next time that you want to take a bath. It also saves you from having to pay a huge utility bill at the end of the month. Moreover, the cover offers peace of mind when you have kids and pets in your home. When the hot tub is left uncovered, pets and kids can easily find themselves wanting to go in it without their parents’ permission.

On the other hand, choosing the right tub cover can make your head spin, especially if it’s your first time shopping for such an item. This is because hut tub covers come in different sizes and shapes and even various hot tub models require a specific brand. Here is a list of tips that can guide you when you are looking to buy a hot tub cover.

1. Size and Shape

Like mentioned earlier in the article, there are different sizes and shapes of hot tub covers on the market. As a novice shopper, it’s easy to get carried away by a cover that looks more appealing but doesn’t conform to the design and size of your hot tub. Investing in such a cover is a waste of time and money.

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A cover that’s bigger than the hot tub will definitely be difficult to remove when you want to relax after a long day. On the other hand, a cover that is smaller than the hot tub is as bad as not having one in place. This is because it will not be able to prevent heat from escaping through evaporation. It will also encourage the pollution of water by debris and dust. The surest way of shopping for the right size of a cover is to measure the dimensions of the hot tub before making your order from a store.

2. Quality of Material

Hot tub covers are made from various materials including wood, vinyl, and aluminum. As a matter of fact, vinyl and aluminum are the most ideal materials. Since the hot tub is usually kept outdoors, it needs to be protected against bad elements of weather such as extreme heat and cold. A cover that’s made from vinyl material can actually resist ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, it may not be able to resist scratches like one made from aluminum. It’s also important you consider the thickness of the cover. The last thing you want is a cover that will not be able to withstand the weight of snow and heavy rain.

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3. Reinforcements

A good cover should come with reinforcements fitted on the edges. The reinforcements come in handy when you want to fasten the cover to prevent it from being removed by pets or strong winds. It’s also recommended that you narrow down to covers that include lifters. The lifters make the process of removing the cover to be less cumbersome and safer. When there are reinforcements on the edges, you can fasten the cover in a couple of seconds.

By Rob

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