Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to isolation, a feeling of emptiness and hollowness. Loneliness always differs from being alone, there is nothing wrong with being alone on own if it’s comfortable but loneliness may be one of the hardest feelings that someone could experience. Though one have lots of friends they may feel alone in this world or being isolated it’s based on their own basis. The more time one spend alone the more feeling of loneliness get reinforced the main cause for the feeling of loneliness is the lack of intimate relationship.
- Sharing emotions with people won’t only help in overcoming loneliness but it will also help to get closer with friends. Sharing emotions and life’s experiences with other people may help to get rid of loneliness.
- Getting involved in some kind of actions that involves team work, when being involved in such kind of activities one will be obligated to share their ideas, thoughts and even their fears with others.
- Though not everyone likes to read, but if one do commit to reading something new, somewhat challenging and fun which may make a way to exploration. Exploration can be exiting as it get out of oneself and it also comes under secret single behavior.
- Going out to public places or social events, one can increase the chance of meeting people and so reduce loneliness.
- The main fact is the self-thought to get rid of loneliness. Involving oneself in any other activities that make them busy is the best way.
- Emotional honesty is one of the best way to get off loneliness. Trying to be open at least with a person close to heart may help to share fears and worries instead of running the usual superficial conversations. If one get afraid to share emotions then they may have a self-confidence problem. Some people think that telling others that they felt down or depressed makes them weak. This is not true, the fact is that they are not their emotions. If one feel down then that doesn’t mean that they are bad. Also if one is depressed that doesn’t mean they are inadequate, it just means that one is a complete human. Understand one thing that normal human beings have down times just like they have up times.
Also read “How To Make Friendship With A Girl” and “How To Move On After A Breakup“.
These ideas may help you to remove the feeling of loneliness. The main fact is one may get more attached to other people when they experience a down time, on the other hand they may feel quite normal on their own if they had no problems and may even enjoy their time alone, which is called “The power of solitude”.
Finally it’s normal to own loneliness. Don’t fear it, don’t numb it. Acknowledge that it is a part of human experience. Say it out loud; I feel Lonely…, then breathe, just because you feel lonely doesn’t mean you are all alone and just because you feel lonely now doesn’t mean you always will. Loneliness is just an experience. So enjoy it like happiness.
Also read “Change And The World Changes For You” and “What Is True Love???“.
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