How To Develop Your English Communication Skills For Interviews

English Communication

In today’s global world, English is the most common spoken language. It is not the language to be denied or ignored. English is playing a major role in every sector. In my opinion, Education is the main sector in which it should be taught in a very effective way. English is the language which helps you to communicate with international world, Job interviews, business trips etc.

English Communication

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English-speaking is very important to get a high quality job. The one who don’t know how to communicate in English will lack confidence and may be paid less salary too. Don’t worry! Here is the solution for your problem. I will provide you tips, how to develop your English communication skills for interviews.

1. First we will start with the basic general method to improve oral skills.

A major failure that person faces is in framing of the correct sentences. Don’t worry; mistakes are the basic part of learning. Do not create hindrance. Express what you feel or what you want to say. Do not hesitate while speaking. “Practice makes a man perfect”. So, do practice what you learn about oral English-speaking skills daily. Try to talk more and more in English with every next person you meet (Who know how to speak in this language). Initially, you might feel difficult, but as soon as you will overcome your fear you will get over it. You should enjoy this language while speaking, and then only you can impress others.

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2. Here we will discuss about Effective Techniques to improve your speaking skills further.

Always keep a pocket dictionary with you. Whenever you come across a new word, search it right there. This will increase your vocabulary too. Check the words anonym, synonym, adjectives etc. Start reading newspaper, magazines and novels every day. Get used to it. In this way one can develop their thinking process and gather ideas to express themselves in English. Attend English conversation classes and engage yourself in more and more English activities around you.

What I find the best way to improve English is to watch English Hollywood movies. Initially watch with subtitles and when you get used to it, then watch without subtitles. By this way, you can learn normal one-to-one conversation sentence formations. I also suggest you to watch YouTube videos of some channels like #1 Real Time with Bill Maher, #2 Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, #3 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, #4 LastWeekTonight, #5 IISuperwomanII, #6 TEDx Talks, #7 Mensutra, #8 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. These are some of the channels which you can watch to develop your English speaking skill to very great heights. This helps you to restrain words in mind. It will help you to improve your accent.

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3. Easy way to apply them.

First of all, you should develop confident body language. People judge you on the way you present yourself. Speak politely yet the way it gives a positive impact to the listener. Don’t mumble while speaking, People should understand your point of view. Pronounce correctly. For this apply words familiar to you. Clarity is the best trait that the listener appreciate.

This will help you be more approachable and friendly with whom so ever you are speaking. Stop refraining yourself from practicing oral communication and interact more with people. Hope this would provide the courage and confidence to speak your heart out. Also start giving a damn to people who demoralize you. These tips will help you develop fluency in your English language skill.

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By Rob

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