How To Make Friendship With A Girl


Girl, the most awe-inspiring, sophisticated in my views and absurd (at times) creature ever on earth. Having a Girl Best Friend, is I think is a wonderful thing in itself. But it is never an easy task to make friendship with them. So is there any shortcut to make it a cakewalk? And the answer is absolutely NO. But it is not a tough task either. First try to clear one thing to yourself that “Are you trying just to be friend of a particular girl?” or “Are you thinking a little ahead?”. I know most boys think not a little but a little more far. So that’s not a bad idea. But you should be crystal clear with one thing that Not ALL GIRLS are meant for YOU.


It will be much easier to make friendship and turn it into a healthy relationship with a girl who’s just like you. Like if you are an atheist, you can no way be friend with a spiritual girl. It will be a hard job. So rather look for a girl who is having same views as you, so when you try to communicate, you will have a better idea of what to say and do. If you are really into her, then try to create a good friendship with her friends, which can help you as immunity at times. Its a strict no-no to be a stud in front of her. It never appeals any girl (most of the times). Rather, try to be a sober, caring, friendly man with a tinge of sense of humour. Sense of humour is a great thing. Many girls are attracted towards boys having a good sense of humour rather than a soggy boy. So if you have a good sense of humour, it is also a plus point.

So as a conclusion, try to understand what kind of a girl you want. Then try to know more about that particular girl. Have a good taste. Try to be as friendly as you can. If you passed in impressing, then make sure it lasts long by always trying to make her feel that you still want her with the same intensity. And if you want her for a friend purpose, trust me, she is gonna be the most reliable, caring one you can ever have (of course after your mom).

Also check out our article on TRUE LOVE.

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By Rob

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