Things to Keep in Mind before Choosing a Wooden Swing Set for Children

Things to Keep in Mind before Choosing a Wooden Swing Set for Children

The perfect wooden swing set is great for a child’s recreation. Plus, it is the central component of an entire playset. Parents can choose from a plethora of options. But, before deciding upon a swing set, buyers must keep a few essential things in mind.

Things to Keep in Mind before Choosing a Wooden Swing Set for Children

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1). Deck Height

The best wooden swing sets have a deck height of at least five feet. Children are very likely to outgrow swings that have shorter deck heights. A set having a five-foot-high deck is perfect for younger and older children alike.

Parents might choose swings that have decks as high as six or seven feet. Such a swing is suitable for teenaged children as well.

Tip: It is advisable for parents to be extra cautious while they’re looking for swing sets online since swings with deck heights of four feet and five feet tend to look alike.

2). Swing Beam Dimensions

Swings that rank highly on quality possess solid 4X6 beams. Furthermore, durable swings have solid wood beams, which make them virtually unbreakable.

4X6 beams can support older and younger kids alike. Thicker beams can handle greater weights. But, parents must not opt for swing beams that have dimensions lower than these, for those beams are more likely to snap under pressure.

3). Dimensions of frames that support the entire swing set

Safest play sets are supported by frames and A-frames that are at least 4X4 inches high. Frames are having lower dimensions run the risk of being toppled over.

4). Type of wood used in swing sets

Parents must also give a thought to the type of wood that constitutes their child’s swing set. Their choices may depend on the following preferences:

  • Overall Quality & Value

Cedar swing sets score high on overall quality and value fronts. Since, cedar wood can resist rots, decays, and damages. These attributes of cedar also make it a highly durable wood variant that is perfect for making the best swing sets.

  • Natural Beauty & Durability

Redwood swings are best for those who seek their swings to be naturally beautiful and durable. This wood variant is also immune to rotting, and damages. Its tannin content makes it resistant to fungal infestations, while acts a natural pest control. Further, it is less prone to shrinking and chipping.

Therefore, redwood swings rank highly on their aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, they stay the same over the years, since they are less liable to depreciation.

  • Strength & Durability

Parents seeking swing sets having maximum strength and durability must opt for premium preserved pine sets. These last longer than cedar and pine sets. Pine sets are comprised of wood that is pre-shrunk and preserves. These two processes make them resistant to harsh weather conditions. Moreover, these sets are immune to moisture infiltration as well.

These checkpoints serve as the basis for choosing swing sets for children. Parents must go for swings that not only look good but are also durable. Also, before purchasing a swing, they must also check if the set-in-question comes with a reasonable warranty.

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By Rob

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