Many people automatically think of stocks and shares when you mention investments, but another excellent vehicle for your money is gold, which has been steadily climbing for some time.

If you are new to gold investing and you are not sure of how to get started, there are a few different options that are open to you, and you can find out more about the various gold investments with just a quick search on Google.

The best gold investment is physical gold, and if you want to diversify your portfolio, below are some of the factors that you will need to consider before getting started.

Starting Your Investment In Gold

Different Types Of Physical Gold Investments

Rather than investing in ETFs or shares in companies that mine gold, you are much better investing in physical gold, and there are a few options available to you.

You can decide to invest in gold jewelry, but you need to keep in mind that the cost of jewelry is going to be higher than the actual value of the precious metals used to make it, so it is not always a good investment.

You can invest in gold coins which are a good investment, whether it be unprocessed gold or gold bullion.

When it comes to gold bullion Brisbane investors want, there are many reputable companies to choose from when looking to make a purchase. If this is your preferred type of gold investment, there are some considerations you will need to factor in.

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Transportation Of Your Gold

When you are purchasing gold as an investment, you will also need to factor in the delivery costs and ensure that you have adequate insurance.

If you are close to the gold dealers, you can always collect your purchase in person, which will save on the overall cost of your purchase.

Otherwise, you will need to ensure that the company that you make your purchase from has safe and secure delivery options for you, which do not cost too much money.

Storing Your Investment Safely

Another factor that you are going to have to consider when investing in gold is where you are going to keep the precious metal once you have purchased it.

Some companies can sell you gold bullion, and for a charge, they can also store it for you safely and securely, until the time comes when you want to move it.

Another option that you may wish to consider is securing yourself a safety deposit box, which is another excellent storage option that is available to you.

You can also store your gold at home, but rather than keeping it under the floorboards, you will want to have a safe installed in your home to keep your investment safe.

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It is vital to factor in the above considerations when you are thinking of investing in physical gold, as it is going to cost you more than just the purchase price of the gold.

There are going to be monthly or yearly fees to store your gold with a professional company, but investing in a safe for your home will be a one-off fee, so is often the cheapest option.

By Rob

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